Jumping on people is a common behavior problem in dogs, but it’s also one that can be corrected with patience and consistency Professional puppy training. Here’s how to teach your dog to greet people calmly:
1. Ignore the Jumping
When your dog jumps on you or others, avoid giving them attention. Don’t push them down, yell, or engage with them. Dogs often jump to get attention, so ignoring the behavior helps them understand that jumping doesn’t result in rewards.
2. Reward Calm Behavior
When your dog keeps their paws on the ground, immediately reward them with praise or treats. This teaches them that calm behavior gets attention, while jumping does not.
3. Teach an Alternate Behavior
Train your dog to sit or stay when greeting people. Use treats or praise to encourage your dog to sit calmly before they interact with others. Over time, they will learn that sitting is the desired behavior.
4. Consistency is Key
Consistency is crucial in curbing jumping behavior. Make sure everyone who interacts with your dog follows the same rules. If some people allow jumping and others don’t, it can confuse your dog.
5. Redirect with a Toy
If your dog gets excited and starts jumping, distract them by offering a toy to hold or chew. This redirects their energy in a positive direction and prevents them from jumping on people.
6. Use the “Off” Command
Teach your dog the “off” command, which signals them to get down from a person. When your dog jumps, use this command firmly, and reward them when they comply by getting off.
7. Be Patient and Consistent
Training takes time, so be patient with your dog. Repetition, positive reinforcement, and calm corrections will help your dog learn the proper greeting behavior.
By staying consistent and rewarding calm behavior, your dog will eventually learn not to jump on people, making interactions more pleasant for everyone.