Counseling is a process where an individual or a group of people get advice, Guest Posting guidance, explanations and even therapy at times. Premarital counseling is a process where a couple who is about to be married gets counseling (in this instance, counseling doesn’t include any kind of therapy). Many couples believe that premarital counseling is like the talk given by elders, mostly parents (of the bride or the groom) prior to marriage bay area psychologists. But, premarital counseling is more than these aspects.
How Does Premarital Counseling Help Couples?
Premarital counseling is done so that couples get educated and they learn the skills which will be required to lead a healthy marriage. A healthy marriage is the broader perspective, but finer nuances are the snippets which also help in many other fields.
A relationship is built on communication levels; the state of a relationship will depend on how good is the communication level between the parties involved (the couple). Premarital counseling will help the concerned people to identify many aspects as follows:
Fears, desires, beliefs
Values, dreams, needs
Issues and effects
Even finer aspects which have never been discussed can be identified
Next in line is the related communication about these issues. Later, the counseling helps the couple to anticipate the challenges which might erupt due to the above issues and the perspective of people involved. In short, premarital counseling helps a couple to get prepared to tackle conflicts which may or may not blow up, post marriage.
The world has accepted the fact that relationships and marriages do fail. In fact, the failure is so high that there is no peer pressure on a couple when they decide to get married.
There are many people who find it difficult to talk about issues with their partners, instead they pour in easily in front of others (counselors in this context). Also, there goes a saying – small problem, small tension, big problem, big tension; but the problem is that people fail to differentiate rocks from the mountains. Premarital counseling helps a couple to differentiate between significant and non-significant issues.
Love is the ignorance that time will remain like this, forever. Love is best enjoyed during those initial days. Coming back to reality, with time, there would be certain issues which will creep into every relationship steadily. Every relationship goes through these black, white and gray patches, but the difference is how people react. Premarital counseling in fact prepares a couple for these days.
The Other Side
The problem which many couples face is that only one of them is interested in premarital counseling. In many cases, both the partners are either not aware or are just not interested in premarital counseling (some couples marry within the blink of an eye, so they don’t get time for marital counseling).